Autor [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Título [table “4” does not have that cell /]
País [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Ciudad [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Descripción [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Año de la foto [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Historial del autor [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Observaciones [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Datos técnicos [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Medidas [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Positivo Foto [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Observaciones al dorso [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Estado conservacion [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Referencia bibliográfica [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Género [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Escuela [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Fecha de la ficha [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Número y Serie [table “4” does not have that cell /]
- [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Documentalista [table “4” does not have that cell /]
Imagen Asociada [table “4” does not have that cell /]
( 4)